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New India Assurance: since 1935

New India Assurance: since 1935 | business-magazine.mu

New India Assurance Chief Manager S. Vaideswaran.

New India Assurance has been one of the earliest Indian companies to establish an office in Mauritius, in 1935. “The reasons for establishing here are many folds which include economic, socio-economic, political stability and market. New India Assurance has established its offices wherever the people of Indian origin have migrated from the Indian sub-continent,” recalls its current Chief Manager, S. Vaideswaran.

The company, which started its operations in Mauritius with one agent, has nowadays 22 accredited agents and 50 salespersons. “However insurances requiring special technical know-how are usually handled by the Head Office directly or on behalf of the Agents.

To increase its market share in Mauritius, New India Assurance has adopted a customer-centric approach considering the client as “the most important person. This has always been our strategy and that has been very successful.”


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